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Showing posts from April, 2023

Flutter CustomPainter Canvas Rotate Pivot

In my Android Studio project, I rotate the canvas simply as following canvas.rotate(angle, cx, cy);… Read more Flutter CustomPainter Canvas Rotate Pivot

Android ListView With SQLite

I'd like to refresh the Listview items. These items are populated from SQLite database. My code… Read more Android ListView With SQLite

How To Use Custom IPhone Tab In FragmentActivity?

I am new in Android and I tried to create a tab using FragmentActivity from codes that I found onli… Read more How To Use Custom IPhone Tab In FragmentActivity?

Send Intent From Main Activity To Two Fragment

I have 2 Fragment and I have to send some id to the Fragment. I use this: public void onItemLongCli… Read more Send Intent From Main Activity To Two Fragment

How To Set Focus On A Specific Date In CalendarView Knowing Date Is "dd/mm/yyyy"

I'm trying to figure out how to set a focus on a specific date in CalendarView during activity … Read more How To Set Focus On A Specific Date In CalendarView Knowing Date Is "dd/mm/yyyy"

Gradle Experimental Include File Directories Via SrcDir SrcFile Directive

Does anyone knows how the includes of srcDir works in gradle experimental files (cpp AND h)? This i… Read more Gradle Experimental Include File Directories Via SrcDir SrcFile Directive

How To Add App Launcher Icon To Homescreen On Android Oreo(8.0)?

I am making an android app on Android 8.0. I have read develop doc of shortcut changed before at U… Read more How To Add App Launcher Icon To Homescreen On Android Oreo(8.0)?

Android KeyStore Operation Failed: Unsupported Digest

I'm having an error while decrypting data using the keystore on about 1% of my users (in differ… Read more Android KeyStore Operation Failed: Unsupported Digest

How To Access An OnBindViewHolder Item Value From MainActivity In Android

I have an OnbindViewHolder method in my file like below @Override publi… Read more How To Access An OnBindViewHolder Item Value From MainActivity In Android

Check If Image Is In Cache - Universal Image Loader

I guess the title says it all. I tried: imageLoader.getMemoryCache().get(key); with the image ur… Read more Check If Image Is In Cache - Universal Image Loader

Only One Participant ID In OnTurnBasedMatchReceived()

When the other player makes a turn, I am successfully receiving an 'onTurnBasedMatchReceived()&… Read more Only One Participant ID In OnTurnBasedMatchReceived()

FFMpeg - Overlay Not Being Shown When Enable=between Parameter Is Added

I am using below command to add transitions effect between videos using overlays such that when one… Read more FFMpeg - Overlay Not Being Shown When Enable=between Parameter Is Added

Settext To A Dynamic Added Textview In Another Activity

I created two activites, the first one is containing the dynamic added textview and the second one … Read more Settext To A Dynamic Added Textview In Another Activity

Migrate Eclipse App And Libs To Android Studio

I have an Android app project in eclipse that references to 3 libs+ some jar files and I would like… Read more Migrate Eclipse App And Libs To Android Studio

Using Sauronsoftware's Jave In Phonegap Android Project

I'm developing phonegap app and right now I'm trying to write a plugin to convert .amr fil… Read more Using Sauronsoftware's Jave In Phonegap Android Project

Am I Using This Handler And Executor Correctly (Android)?

I have an Executor that run a while true loop that just pings a server with data. Now I need to upd… Read more Am I Using This Handler And Executor Correctly (Android)?

Android-Java RSA Decrypt

i need to create a public key for RSA algorithm from a binary string. My code is: String pubKey = &… Read more Android-Java RSA Decrypt

Android Clear Some Activity On Back Stack

Let Say I have A -> B -> C -> D or A -> C-> D when D is finish I want to Back but s… Read more Android Clear Some Activity On Back Stack

How To Play, Pause And Stop A Song With Only One Button?

I have tried to make an application in android to play, pause and stop a song with one button only.… Read more How To Play, Pause And Stop A Song With Only One Button?

Android: Cannot Style Spinner Divider

I'm trying to create a theme for my first Android app, and it is driving me round the bend. I f… Read more Android: Cannot Style Spinner Divider

Match HTTP Parameters In URL With Android Intent Filters

I'm trying to put together an intent filter to start my application when a certain HTML URL is … Read more Match HTTP Parameters In URL With Android Intent Filters

How To Display Jsoup Parsed Data

I'm trying to parse from an HTML page that only has a body and in the body is a pre tag but tha… Read more How To Display Jsoup Parsed Data

Getting Transform Exception While Building The Project

I am getting the following error when I try to run my app: Error:Execution failed for task ':ap… Read more Getting Transform Exception While Building The Project

Capture Android Screen And Create Video Programmatically

In Android/Java, Is there any code example to capture the screenshot of a computer with good frames… Read more Capture Android Screen And Create Video Programmatically

Change Action Bar Style And Color For Google Play Games Leaderboard, Achievements, Etc.?

I'm using Google Play Games APIs for my app. When I use the following to launch the Achievemen… Read more Change Action Bar Style And Color For Google Play Games Leaderboard, Achievements, Etc.?

Firestore Schema Versioning And Backward Compatibility With Android App To Prevent Crashes

Firestore a NOSQL is a Document oriented database. Now how to manage versioning of the data as I us… Read more Firestore Schema Versioning And Backward Compatibility With Android App To Prevent Crashes

No Visible Button Feedback After SetEnabled(false) -> (true)/ SelectableItemBackground As Drawable?

With one button i'm disabling three other button's with button.setEnabled(false). That work… Read more No Visible Button Feedback After SetEnabled(false) -> (true)/ SelectableItemBackground As Drawable?

Check If The User Is Connected To The Internet And If Not Prompt The User To Turn On Data Services Android

I am making a check if the user is connected to the internet. If the user is not connected then pro… Read more Check If The User Is Connected To The Internet And If Not Prompt The User To Turn On Data Services Android

Android - Game Thread And Dialogs

I have a Android game w/ a ViewThread and a Panel that uses the onTouchEvent. What's the best w… Read more Android - Game Thread And Dialogs

How To Know Which Application The User Chose When Using An Intent Chooser?

I'm using an intent chooser to invite friends : Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)… Read more How To Know Which Application The User Chose When Using An Intent Chooser?

Android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f0200d1

I'm getting above error at dialog.setContentView(R.layout.alert_ok); this line even though '… Read more Android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f0200d1

Reading Text File With BufferedReader Adds A Whitespace, Android

I have this method to get an arrayList from a text file: private ArrayList tempList(){ Str… Read more Reading Text File With BufferedReader Adds A Whitespace, Android

How To Create Android Listview Like Android Google Chrome Tab

I need to create listview like in this picture. The listview item go over each other like google ch… Read more How To Create Android Listview Like Android Google Chrome Tab

How To Start A New Activity On Navigation Drawer Item Click Its Not Working In My Code

Almost every link every stack questions I referred already so please can anyone tell that what is m… Read more How To Start A New Activity On Navigation Drawer Item Click Its Not Working In My Code

Android Version 4.4+ Sqlite Error In Phonegap

I am using prepopulated Database and copied DB using this link this code works smooth for android … Read more Android Version 4.4+ Sqlite Error In Phonegap

In Shared Preferences How To Store String Array In Android Application

In my application am using list view in base adapter. when i click the item its id store in shared … Read more In Shared Preferences How To Store String Array In Android Application