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Check If Image Is In Cache - Universal Image Loader

I guess the title says it all. I tried: imageLoader.getMemoryCache().get(key); with the image uri as key, but it always return null although I enabled caching in the config.

Solution 1:

Use MemoryCacheUtils.

MemoryCacheUtils.findCachedBitmapsForImageUri(imageUri, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache());

Memory cache can contain several bitmaps (diffenrent sizes) for one image. So memory cache use special keys, not image urls.

Solution 2:

It should be MemoryCacheUtils, so you should use

MemoryCacheUtils.findCachedBitmapsForImageUri(imageUri, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache());

Solution 3:

For disk cache use below code

public static boolean isDiskCache(String url) {
        File file = DiskCacheUtils.findInCache(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getDiskCache());
        return file != null;

Solution 4:

Sometimes, when using the Universal Image Loader library, there comes a time where the loader takes a while to verify whether the remote image has been already loaded in your cache. To load the cache file directly, you can use the following method to check whether a local copy of the remote file has already been made:

    File file = imageLoader.getDiscCache().get(url);  
 if (!file.exists()) {  
      DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()  
      imageLoader.displayImage(url, imageView, options);  
 else {  

check it hereenter link description here

Solution 5:

I think you can create a simple method in your utility class like this:

public static boolean isImageAvailableInCache(String imageUrl){
    MemoryCache memoryCache = ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache();
    if(memoryCache!=null) {
        for (String key : memoryCache.keys()) {
            if (key.startsWith(imageUrl)) {
                return true;
    return false;

and Use it like:


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