Substring For Sqlite Android
Solution 1:
You just need to split the substrings by space. For example, you've tandoori chicken as search query string. So, now you need to split the query string by space to make two separate words- tandoori and chicken.
Then the sql query should look like
Select*from foodTable where Food like'tandoori chicken'or'chicken tandoori'
To achieve this you might consider doing something like this.
String[] queryWords = searchQuery.split(" "); // Split by space
Now make the words and put them in an ArrayList
privateArrayList<String> getQueryStrings(String[] queryWords) {
privateArrayList<String> queryStringList = newArrayList<String>();
// Now let us do some combination of words here and add each combination in the ArrayList.for(int i = 0; i < possibleCombinationCount; i++)
return queryStringList;
Now make the query string as you like.
String builder = "";
for(String wordsComb : getQueryStrings()) {
// make the query with or if(builder.length != 0) builder += " or ";
builder += "'%" + wordsComb + "%'";
String query = "Select * from foodTable where Food like " + builder;
Now run the rawQuery()
on your database.
This solution may work well for two or three words in a string while it won't work well for long strings.
If your search is flexible like you just want to find the rows matched with the given strings you might consider using the IN
Select * from foodTable where Food in (queryWords[0], queryWords[1], ....)
Just you need to build the database query of your own with the values separated from the query string by space in queryWords
I found this answer relevant to your question too.
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