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Sqlite Generated Id After Insert Raw Query

This question was asked in here before and I took one of the answers but its not working, I'm getting generated id as 0. This question is based on the last given answer. The accept

Solution 1:

rawQuery() by itself does not execute the query until you move the resulting Cursor.

Use execSQL() instead for SQL that does not return a result, such as INSERT.

Solution 2:

Based on laalto's answer to get a confirmation.

funsave(): Long? {
    val sql = "INSERT INTO user(first, last) VALUES(?, ?)"

    connection.writableDatabase.execSQL(sql, arrayOf("John", "Doe"))

    connection.readableDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid()", null).use { cursor ->
        returnif (cursor.moveToNext()) cursor.getLong(0) elsenull

funupdate(): Int? {
    val sql = "UPDATE user SET first = ?, last = ? WHERE id = ?"
    connection.writableDatabase.execSQL(sql, arrayOf("Jane", "Doe", "1"))

    connection.readableDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT changes()", null).use { cursor ->
        returnif (cursor.moveToFirst()) cursor.getInt(0) elsenull

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