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Make A Transition Between Activitys

I need to make a transition screen, ou just put a dialog, because the app give a black screen when is creating the database. I have google, and find some solutions for this. One o

Solution 1:

Make use of Asyntask . put your database operation of creating database in asyntask in pre execute start dialog post execute cancel dialog in background perform database operation

Solution 2:

For that You have to use Async task : 

classDownloadAsyncTaskextendsAsyncTask<String, String, Void>

        ProgressDialog progressDialog;

        @OverrideprotectedvoidonPreExecute() {
            progressDialog =, "", "Please Wait ...");

        @OverrideprotectedVoiddoInBackground(String... arg0) {

            //Do your Task



        @OverrideprotectedvoidonPostExecute(Void result){


//Create the Object

DownloadAsyncTask downloadAsyncTask = new DownloadAsyncTask(); downloadAsyncTask.execute();

now till your work get's completed it shows progress dialog inside the doInbackground write your logic and onPostExecute dismiss the dialog and call Intent of other Activity.

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