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Android Studio Failed To Find: Com.getbase:floatingactionbutton:1.3.0

I am trying to run my gradle file with an already existing android project. The only error that I have with this application is Failed to find: com.getbase:floatingactionbutton:1.3

Solution 1:

According to a search on Maven Central at that library exists, so I think the problem may be that you haven't added a repositories statement to your build script to let it resolve dependencies; the one you've got in the buildscript block is only to resolve build system plugins, not build dependencies. I know it's confusing. Add this block at the top level:

repositories {

I'm assuming also that you have a project with a flat directory structure and a single build.gradle file; when Android Studio creates projects via the wizard it uses a nested directory structure with multiple build.gradle files, and it normally adds boilerplate at the top-level build file so that you don't have to add this repositories block to each individual module's build file. If that's the case and that's in place, then this remedy won't work, so you'll have to dig deeper.

Solution 2:

Make sure your "Global Gradle Settings" in Android Studio is NOT set for "Offline Work"

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