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Using Preferencescreen With Applicationidsuffix

I'm having some problems making PreferenceScreen and applicationIdSuffix work together. Supposing my app package/applicationId is com.myapp in Gradle and in AndroidManifest.xml, an

Solution 1:

Your confusion comes from the fact that applicationIdSuffix only changes the package name of the application (its unique id), but does not change the java package name of your classes inside the application, including your Activity.

This means that you should declare in your preferences:


Where targetClass is always the same, while targetPackage depends on your build type and can be com.myapp or

Solution 2:

There is currently no direct way to include the effective applicationId into other XML files than the AndroidManifest (where it is available as ${applicationId}), so you need to create a string property for it.

Because the gradle applicationId value changes based on the flavor, you can not use it directly to define the string property. Instead, you need to create an afterEvaluate rule in build.gradle to generate it for all variants:

afterEvaluate {
    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.resValue 'string', 'application_id', variant.applicationId

This will create a @string/application_id (or R.string.application_id) that you can use wherever needed, e.g. in your layout / preferences XML (the class name doesn't need to be changed because it is based on the java package that's the same for all flavors):

<PreferenceScreenandroid:key="key_about"android:summary="something"android:title="About"><intentandroid:targetClass="com.myapp.activities.AboutActivity"android:targetPackage="@string/application_id" /></PreferenceScreen>

This solution is based on which also provides a provider property.

Solution 3:

What I do in my app is attach an onPreferenceClickListener to the preference in its host activity, and build the intent inside that listener's onPreferenceClick method. By generating the intent from code, you directly reference the target class and the question of packages never comes up.

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