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Dao Method Returns List While I Need A Map

In an Android app using Architecture Components I have the following view model: public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel { private final MutableLiveData

Solution 1:

Well, what you have there in the update probably works, though I wouldn't create a new Executor for every setValue() call — create just one and hold onto it in your MutableLiveData subclass. Also, depending on your minSdkVersion, you might use some of the Java 8 stuff on HashMap (e.g., replaceAll()) to simplify the code a bit.

You could use MediatorLiveData, though in the end I think it would result in more code, not less. So, while from a purity standpoint MediatorLiveData is a better answer, that may not be a good reason for you to use it.

Frankly, this sort of thing isn't what LiveData is really set up for, IMHO. If this were my code that I were working on right now, I'd be using RxJava for the bulk of it, converting to LiveData in the end. And, I'd have as much of this as possible in a repository, rather than in a viewmodel. While your unchecked-to-checked stuff would be a tricky RxJava chain to work out, I'd still prefer it to the MutableLiveData subclass.

What EpicPandaForce suggests is an ideal sort of LiveData-only approach, though I don't think he is implementing your algorithm quite correctly, and I am skeptical that it can be adapted easily to your desired algorithm.

In the end, though, the decision kinda comes down to: who is going to see this code?

  • If this code is for your eyes only, or will live in a dusty GitHub repo that few are likely to look at, then if you feel that you can maintain the MutableLiveData subclass, we can't really complain.

  • If this code is going to be reviewed by co-workers, ask your co-workers what they think.

  • If this code is going to be reviewed by prospective employers... consider RxJava. Yes, it has a learning curve, but for the purposes of getting interest from employers, they will be more impressed by you knowing how to use RxJava than by you knowing how to hack LiveData to get what you want.

Solution 2:

Tricky question!

If we check the source code for Transformations.switchMap, we see that:

1.) it wraps the provided live data with a MediatorLiveData

2.) if the wrapped live data emits an event, then it invokes a function that receives the new value of wrapped live data, and returns a "new" live data of a different type

3.) if the "new" live data of a different type differs from the previous one, then the observer of the previous one is removed, and it's added to the new one instead (so that you only observe the newest LiveData and don't accidentally end up observing an old one)

With that in mind, I think we can chain your switchMap calls and create a new LiveData whenever myDao().checkWords(words) changes.

LiveData<List<String>> foundInDb = Transformations.switchMap(mWords, words -> myDao().checkWords(words));
LiveData<Map<String, Integer>> found = Transformations.switchMap(foundInDb, (words) -> {
    MutableLiveData<Map<String, Integer>> scoreMap = newMutableLiveData<>();
    // calculate the score map from `words` list
    return scoreMap;
this.mFound = found;

Please verify if what I'm telling you is correct, though.

Also if there are a bunch of words, consider using some async mechanism and scoreMap.postValue(map).

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