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Parse Getallcellinfo Values From Telephony Manager

i'm using the following function to get Allcellinfo of an device network and im getting the values as an string now i need to parse it in order to get the CellSignalStrengthLte dat

Solution 1:

I also noticed that CellinfoLTE and CellIdentityLTE is not so great at the moment, so I just wrote my own parsing class. Only tested this a few times, and didn't have problems, but more testing should display if additional future tweaking will be necessary.

Here's the class:

publicstaticfinalintUNKNOWN= Integer.MAX_VALUE;   //Default value for unknown fieldspublicboolean isRegistered;
publiclong timeStamp;
publicint MCC;
publicint MNC;
publicint CID;
publicint PCI;
publicint TAC;

publicint SS;
publicint RSRP;
publicint RSRQ;
publicint RSSNR;
publicint CQI;
publicint tAdvance;

Context mContext;

//Public constructorpublicLTEStruct(Context context)
    mContext = context; //not used at the moment but possibly for future function

publicvoidparse(String inTest)
    //get isRegisteredintindex= inTest.indexOf("mRegistered=") + ("mRegistered=").length();
    if(inTest.substring(index,index + 3).contains("YES"))
        isRegistered = true;

    timeStamp = getValue(inTest,"mTimeStamp=", "ns");

    //get Cell Identity paramters
    MCC = (int) getValue(inTest,"mMcc=", " ");      //get Mcc
    MNC = (int) getValue(inTest,"mMnc=", " ");      //get MNC
    CID = (int) getValue(inTest,"mCi=", " ");       //get CID
    PCI = (int) getValue(inTest,"mPci="," ");       //get PCI
    TAC = (int) getValue(inTest,"mTac=","}");       //get TAC//get RF related parameters
    SS = (int) getValue(inTest," ss="," ");         //get SS
    RSRP = (int)getValue(inTest,"rsrp=", " ");      //get RSRP
    RSRQ = (int)getValue(inTest,"rsrq=", " ");      //get RSRQ
    RSSNR = (int)getValue(inTest,"rssnr=", " ");    //get RSSNR
    CQI = (int)getValue(inTest," cqi=", " ");       //get CQI
    tAdvance = (int)getValue(inTest," ta=", "}");   //get timing advance

//internal function to help with parsing of raw LTE stringsprivatelonggetValue(String fullS, String startS, String stopS)
    intindex= fullS.indexOf(startS) + (startS).length();
    intendIndex= fullS.indexOf(stopS,index);

    return Long.parseLong(fullS.substring(index,endIndex).trim());


So if I implement this very basically with the input LTE string:

//permission checkif (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) !=PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions((Activity)this,new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION},1);

    //get cell infoTelephonyManager tel = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    List<CellInfo> infos = tel.getAllCellInfo();
    for (int i =0; i<infos.size(); ++i) 
            CellInfo info = infos.get(i);
            if (info instanceof CellInfoLte) {
                LTEStruct lte = new LTEStruct(this);

                //write out parsed results for what it's worthLog.i("LTE parseOutput", "tAdvance: "+ lte.tAdvance +"\r\nCQI: "+ lte.CQI+"\r\nRSSNR: "+ lte.RSSNR+"\r\nRSRP: "+ lte.RSRP+"\r\nSS: "+ lte.SS+"\r\nCID: "+ lte.CID+"\r\nTimestamp: "+ lte.timeStamp +"\r\nTAC: "+ lte.TAC+"\r\nPCI: "+ lte.PCI+"\r\nMNC: "+ lte.MNC+"\r\nMCC: "+ lte.MCC+"\r\nRegistered: "+ lte.isRegistered);
            } elseLog.i("LTE testing", "not LTE cell info measured");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.i("neighboring error: ", ex.getMessage());


Hope it helps ;)

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