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Android L Permission Conflict Between Release And Debug Apks

I've upgraded to Android L and have both a released version of my app in 'Google play' and a debug version which we use for development. They are signed with different keys. My pro

Solution 1:

I can successfully have both debug and release editions of a GCM client app installed on the same Android 5.0 Nexus 9 at the same time, by amending the manifest to use placeholders:

  android:protectionLevel="signature" />
  android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />

Note that you should also use ${applicationId} in your <receiver> for the <category>:

<receiverandroid:name="GCMBroadcastReceiverCompat"android:permission=""><intent-filter><actionandroid:name=""/><categoryandroid:name="${applicationId}" /></intent-filter></receiver>

(frankly, I am unconvinced that the custom <permission> is even needed anymore, given that I tried removing it and can still receive GCM messages)

If you then define your build.gradle as you have it, with an applicationIdSuffix for one of the build types (e.g., debug), you will wind up with separate custom permissions by build type, and you will be able to have them installed side by side.

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