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Scale Images Inside Textview Using Imagegetter

I'm trying to scale the images showed in the textview but i just can't. I'm using this code but no matter what, it shows the image cropped inside the container or doesn't show at a

Solution 1:

I answer myself i've changed

 if (originalWidthScaled > metrics.widthPixels) {
                height = result.getIntrinsicHeight() * metrics.widthPixels
                        / result.getIntrinsicWidth();
                width = metrics.widthPixels;


if (originalWidthScaled > (metrics.widthPixels * 70) / 100) {
                width = (metrics.widthPixels * 70) / 100;

                height = result.getIntrinsicHeight() * width
                        / result.getIntrinsicWidth();

And now it occupies the 70% of the space of the screen which is exactly the max size of the container

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