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How To Get A Notification When Android Studio Finish A Build?

I would like to get a notification when Gadle finish to build my app, Please note that I'm not very familliar with Gradle except for the usual statements used in Android Studio but

Solution 1:

you need to add plugins announce and build announcements. the following destinations are supported: Twitter, notify-send (Ubuntu), Snarl (Windows), Growl (macOS). those are the plugins required:

rootProject {
    apply plugin: "announce"
    apply plugin: 'build-announcements'

and to finalize the build process (see supported notification services):

// it finalizes :assemble
task finalizeBuild {
    doLast {
        println(":finalizeBuild > doLast")
        announce.announce("task :assemble completed!", "snarl")

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    if ( == "assembleDebug") {
        task.finalizedBy finalizeBuild
    } elseif ( == "assembleRelease") {
        task.finalizedBy finalizeBuild

Solution 2:

The easiest way to achieve what you need :

In Android Studio, go into Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Notifications, go down to Gradle Build (Logging) and check the Read aloud box.

This will speak Gradle build finished in x minutes and x seconds when your build is complete.

Solution 3:

Have you considered using sound for notification?

You can add this to your app/.gradle file inside android{ } tag :

afterEvaluate {
    gradle.buildFinished{ BuildResult buildResult ->
        if (buildResult.failure) {
            ['powershell', """(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer "C:\\failed_notif.wav").PlaySync();"""].execute()
            println("failed doing task")
        } else {
            ['powershell', """(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer "C:\\succeed_notif.wav").PlaySync();"""].execute()
            println("build finished")

If you want the notification only run after specific buildType finish (success build only), you can use :

afterEvaluate {
   assembleDebug.doLast{ //play sound for debug buildType }
   assembleRelease.doLast{ //play sound for release buildType }

Please note that this method can only run with .wav file. If you want to use an .mp3 you can try this.

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