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Add A ProgressBar Programatically To A Fragment In Android

I was able to manipulate some text of an existing TextView in a Fragment. However I was not able to programatically add a new ProgressBar to the existing layout. In the Fragment cl

Solution 1:

It is not showing because you did not specify its child's layout_param and therefore will result to parent not displaying it.

You need to specify the layout params of the child view you want to attach.

progressBar = new ProgressBar(this.getContext());
progressBar.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT));

Solution 2:

You have specified "linearLayoutCompletedOfficeHours" as a Linear Layout with android:orientation="horizontal" and given textview android:layout_width="match_parent".Making this will make textview to take entire space and progressbar is created and shown in the screen. Instead change textView width to android:layout_width="wrap_content" and the progress will be visible.

   android:id="@+id/completedXOfYDays" />

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