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Comparing EditText String With Firebase Database's Child Value

My app has a registration page wherein only those users who enter the right passcode are allowed to register. This passcode is stored inside firebase database inside a child called

Solution 1:

Alright mate. The reason why your ValueEventListener's onDataChange isn't getting called is that you're not authorized to edit or read your database. This happens because the default security settings for a firebase real-time database disallows any read or write without an authenticated user. To prove this observe your warning logs inside Android Monitor. (The blue ones.) It will show a caught exception mentioning permission denied from Firebase as soon as you click submit.

Read about Firebase security from here.

For a quick solution what you can do is, you can allow read or writes without any sort of authentication. To do that edit your Realtime database rules and add this instead of what's written there.

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true

I'm also gonna attach a screenshot for reference. You'll find this screen inside the firebase console. Inside the console click on your project and then on Database to the left as shown.

enter image description here.

This is a security lapse none the less, so to set up proper Authentication from your app, follow these steps.

Also, add a toString() to dataSnapshot.child("passcode").getValue() like this to convert it to String as it's probably long.

String passc = dataSnapshot.child("passcode").getValue().toString();

Also, just to be sure. Add this line if you haven't already FirebaseApp.initializeApp(this); above your mpasscode=FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Councilpasscodes");

Hope it helps!

Solution 2:

Have you tried using .compareTo() method? if (passcode1.compareTo(passc) == 0) { }

Solution 3:

I think firebase is returning integer instead. You can put the quote to 1234 and try again or compare as integer.

Solution 4:

if you are using only numerics then equalsIgnoreCase would do good or if there is no limit of type of character you use in counsilcode then .match would be good

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