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How To Mock GetApplicationContext

I have an application that stores app context information. The app context information is shared between activities in MyApp class which extends Application class. I am writing a

Solution 1:

Since the method getApplicationContext is inside the class that you're extending it becomes somewhat problematic. There are a couple of problems to consider:

  • You really can't mock a class that is under test, which is one of the many drawbacks with object inheritance (i.e. subclassing).
  • The other problem is that ApplicationContext is a singleton, which makes it all more evil to test since you can't easily mock out a global state that is programmed to be irreplaceable.

What you can do in this situation is to prefer object composition over inheritance. So in order to make your Activity testable you need to split up the logic a little. Lets say that your Activity is called MyActivity. It needs to be composed of a logic component (or class), lets name it MyActivityLogic. Here is a simple class-diagram figure:

MyActivity and MyActivityLogic UML diagram from yUml

To solve the singleton problem, we let the logic be "injected" with an application context, so it can be tested with a mock. We then only need to test that the MyActivity object has put the correct application context into MyActivityLogic. How we basically solve both problems is through another layer of abstraction (paraphrased from Butler Lampson). The new layer we add in this case is the activity logic moved outside of the activity object.

For the sake of your example the classes need to look sort-of like this:

public final class MyActivityLogic {

    private MyApp mMyApp;

    public MyActivityLogic(MyApp pMyApp) {
        mMyApp = pMyApp;

    public MyApp getMyApp() {
        return mMyApp;

    public void onClick(View pView) {

public final class MyActivity extends Activity {

    // The activity logic is in mLogic
    private final MyActivityLogic mLogic;

    // Logic is created in constructor
    public MyActivity() {
        mLogic = new MyActivityLogic(
            (MyApp) getApplicationContext());

    // Getter, you could make a setter as well, but I leave
    // that as an exercise for you
    public MyActivityLogic getMyActivityLogic() {
        return mLogic;

    // The method to be tested
    public void onClick(View pView) {

    // Surely you have other code here...


It should all look something like this: classes with methods made in yUml

To test MyActivityLogic you will only need a simple jUnit TestCase instead of the ActivityUnitTestCase (since it isn't an Activity), and you can mock your application context using your mocking framework of choice (since handrolling your own mocks is a bit of a drag). Example uses Mockito:

MyActivityLogic mLogic; // The CUT, Component Under Test
MyApplication mMyApplication; // Will be mocked

protected void setUp() {
    // Create the mock using mockito.
      mMyApplication = mock(MyApplication.class);
    // "Inject" the mock into the CUT
      mLogic = new MyActivityLogic(mMyApplication);

public void testOnClickShouldSetNewStateOnAppContext() {
    // Test composed of the three A's        
    // ARRANGE: Most stuff is already done in setUp

    // ACT: Do the test by calling the logic

    // ASSERT: Make sure the application.setNewState is called

To test the MyActivity you use ActivityUnitTestCase as usual, we only need to make sure that it creates a MyActivityLogic with the correct ApplicationContext. Sketchy test code example that does all this:

MyActivity vMyActivity = getActivity();
MyApp expectedAppContext = vMyActivity.getApplicationContext();

// ACT: 
// No need to "act" much since MyActivityLogic object is created in the 
// constructor of the activity
MyActivityLogic vLogic = vMyActivity.getMyActivityLogic();

// ASSERT: Make sure the same ApplicationContext singleton is inside
// the MyActivityLogic object
MyApp actualAppContext = vLogic.getMyApp();
assertSame(expectedAppContext, actualAppContext);

Hope it all makes sense to you and helps you out.

Solution 2:

My problem was not exactly the same, but similar. Here is what worked for me.

Firstly, at a class level for the test

import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;

@PrepareForTest({CustomApp.class, AppUtils.class})
public class CustomClientTest {

    Context mockContext;

    MainActivity mainActivityMock;

then the setup()

public void setUp() throws Exception {

and finally in the test itself

public void testShouldDoMyMethodRight() {
    // true tests
    assertTrue(customClient.shouldDoMethod(webViewMock, Constants.HAPPY_PATH));
    assertTrue(customClient.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(webViewMock, Constants.SPECIAL_PATH));

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